Guilford County Fleet Operations has been actively using their five Toyota Prius hybrid vehicles for almost a year since receiving funds from Carolina Blue Skies project. Each vehicle is clocking in at about 1,500 miles of use every month.
The county purchased six Toyota Prius vehicles (one with all county funds) and have converted their entire downtown motor pool to Advanced Technology Vehicles (7 Toyota Prius Hybrids and 2 Dodge Caravan Flex Fuel vans). Staff has been very receptive to the new technology and all are very pleased to see some of the aging vehicles in the motor pool replaced by more reliable and economical alternatives.
Fleet Operations Manager, Shane Inman, is finding that most of the Prius’ are averaging 50 mpg. The Fleet Operations Division uses a Prius Info Card to teach new hybrid drivers and fleet operations staff are also on hand to walk drivers through initial vehicle operation. Additionally, the hybrids use synthetic oil which is now replaced every 10,000 miles instead of every 5,000 miles. This is an additional savings to the county. Visit their project website.