Wednesday, July 18, 2012

City of Greensboro Swapping Out Gas-guzzling Trash Trucks for CNG

TJCOG's Lacey Jane Wolfe in front of the city's CNG refuse haulers

On a bright sunny morning, the City of Greensboro's mayor, Robbie Perkins, officiated a solid turn out for a grand opening event on June 29, 2012 to celebrate the launch of a CNG station and two CNG refuse trucks. The event took place at the city's Equipment Services campus. The $800,000 project  funded in part through Triangle "J" Council of Government's Carolina Blues Initiative, is a substantial investment in the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) to fuel the city's refuse trucks. Steve Simpson, city management consultant for the project, estimates 60 percent fuel savings by switching to CNG. City officials are looking forward to lower and less harmful emissions.
For more information, contact Jerry Gunter with the city at 336-373-4196.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Regional CNG Partnership to Improve Air Quality

courtesy of Mission Health
Land of Sky Regional Council, the City of Asheville and Mission Health celebrated the delivery of new natural gas vehicles to their fleets at the newly expanded City of Asheville Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Fueling Station at 45 McCormick Place on June 27, 2012. Recently, the City of Asheville added 23 new CNG vehicles to its existing CNG fleet, and Mission Health added five vehicles, including two shuttle buses.

The CNG station expansion, the new CNG vehicles, and more than forty other alternative fuel vehicle projects across North and South Carolina, were funded in part with grants through the “Carolina Blue Skies and Green Jobs Initiative.”  More information here.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Cleaner Refuse Hauling Under Carolina Blue Skies

In the greater Charlotte region, two organizations have established themselves as leaders in bringing CNG-powered vehicles into their refuse hauling fleets. City of Charlotte Solid Waste Services and Gold Bless the USA, Inc. (GBUSA) have and continue to set the pace for making the waste collection process cleaner and more cost efficient while decreasing petroleum consumption in the greater Charlotte region. Both entities have accessed funding through the Carolina Blue Skies & Green Jobs Initiative to facilitate the intergration.