The City of Winston Salem's Fleet Services has deployed a sporty new Vantage Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) for the
Lawrence Joel Veteran's Memorial Coliseum, the city's entertainment and sports complex. The Fleet Services Division decided the NEV was a perfect fit to meet the unique needs of a sports entertainment facility. Since NEVs are zero tail pipe emissions and extremely quiet, they can drive the NEV indoors to help deliver supplies needed for events at the complex. Also, because it is street licensed, the NEV can be used to shuttle supplies from the Fleet Services office back to the sports complex, all without emitting tailpipe emissions. Even better is that the NEV can charge on a 110 volt outlet with no need of an EVSE.
Contact Vincent McAlexander at the City of Winston Salem for more information about their NEV: vincentm@cityofws.org or tel: 336-748-3960.
What a great post. I have been looking up information on fleet services for our new fleet we have coming in next month. Thanks so much for your article. I enjoyed reading it.