Friday, March 16, 2012

President Obama Visited Mount Holly

On Wednesday, March 7 President Obama visited the Daimler Trucks North America Manufacturing plant in Mount Holly. During his 20 minute speech to a crowd of several hundred gathered inside on the manufacturing plant floor, he addressed the adoption of an “all-of-the-above” approach to American energy. The president also focused his address on American fuel sources and reducing dependence on imported petroleum.

“If we are going to control our energy future, then we’ve got to have an all-of-the-above strategy,” President Obama said. “We’ve got to develop every source of American energy -- not just oil and gas, but wind power and solar power, nuclear power, biofuels. We need to invest in the technology that will help us use less oil in our cars and our trucks, in our buildings, in our factories. That’s the only solution to the challenge.”

The President explained his approach is about reclaiming energy security, facilitate economic development, and igniting innovation. By using American energy sources and increasing research, development, and production of related advanced technologies, the president said jobs and economic opportunity can be created in communities, and in greater Charlotte region.

Jason Wager and Emily Parker (Co-Coordinators of the Centralina Clean Fuels Coalition) were invited and attended the event at the Daimler plant, as local representatives of the Clean Cities program. Many Centralina project partners and stakeholders were involved with the set up, security, and planning of the event.

More information on energy initiatives can be found here.

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